White Chocolate Raspberry Skewers

White Chocolate Raspberry Skewers
Looking for a last minute, quick, incredibly easy yet still festive dessert for Valentine’s day? Well, I’ve got you covered. These adorable white chocolate raspberry skewers take less than 5 minutes to put together and are so simple, even a 3 year old can do them (with supervision of course). 
White Chocolate Raspberry Skewers

Literally, Noah did some of these. He was proud that he did them all by himself and he loved “wolfing” them down (his new favorite term when talking about eating).

And the sprinkles, forget about it. There was no way I was going to be allowed to help with those.

So you can also add kid-friendly to the perks of this “recipe.” Oh yeah, and only 3 ingredients are required. Is there anything else I have to do to convince you of the awesomeness?
White Chocolate Raspberry Skewers
Maybe just show you how happy it will make your kids, family or friends. I could only keep him at bay for a few seconds while taking pictures.
White Chocolate Raspberry Skewers
Mommy, that’s enough pictures. I wanna eat one.

White Chocolate Raspberry Skewers
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  1. White Chocolate Raspberry Skewers
  2. 1 pint raspberries, washed and dried
  3. 4-6 oz. white almond bark*
  4. sprinkles
  5. skewers
  1. Melt almond bark in the microwave in 30 second intervals until smooth. Thread 4-5 raspberries on each skewer and dip one side in the melted almond bark. Sprinkle with sprinkles and set on parchment or wax paper to set. Keep covered in the refrigerator.
  1. *They would be amazing with dark chocolate too!
Meg's Everyday Indulgence

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