Sparkling Strawberry Lemonade

If there’s one thing I’ve been craving this pregnancy, it’s strawberry lemonade. But, I’m really picky about it and only like it from certain places. My favorite ever is the Freckled Lemonade from Red Robin. We don’t go there often but you could bet money that when we do I will have one of those

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Memorial Day Roundup

First I want to start off by saying thank you to each and every person, past and present, that has served this country and especially those that have sacrificed their lives to protect our freedom. I’ve mentioned before that my dad served in the Air Force for 20 years and I will be forever grateful

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Blueberry Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie

With the new year comes new resolutions and I of course have the “be healthier” resolution on my list like so many others. Joel and I joined a local gym and I have been Zumba-ing my butt off ever since (it’s amazing and so fun…do it!). In addition, healthy eating has been a priority too.

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