Homemade Pickles {Claussen Copycat}

Homemade pickles are super simple to make with just a few ingredients. These taste just like the favorite Claussen's.

Making your own Homemade Pickles is easier than you think. Grab those cucumbers from your garden or local farmers market and get to pickling.

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Pickles are among one of my favorite foods in the whole world (maybe only behind fried chicken and macaroni and cheese). And Claussen pickles are number one for me.

They are so crisp and sour and garlicky and just delicious. We go through a jar a week. 

Homemade pickles are super simple to make with just a few ingredients. These taste just like the favorite Claussen's.

I have attempeted so many different homemade pickle recipes and have never been happy with the results until I tried this recipe.

So many homemade version get soggy or don’t pack that vinegary punch I adore. But these homemade pickles do not disappoint. 

The recipe for homemade pickles was incredibly easy to throw together with the amazing cucumbers I picked up at the Minneapolis Farmer’s Market.

I think the best way to make homemade pickles is with fresh, local grown cucumbers. They have so much more flavor and crunch.

Homemade pickles are super simple to make with just a few ingredients. These taste just like the favorite Claussen's.

Ingredients for Homemade Pickles

  • Fresh cucumbers: If you can get farm fresh, local cucumbers you are in for a real treat. Try your local farmers market. If that’s not an option, the grocery store usually has good pickling cucumber options this time of year.
  • Apple cider vinegar: This is where the pickles get all their tanginess. I like apple cider vinegar for the slight sweetness it adds. You can use white vinegar in its place if needed.
  • Kosher salt: This creates the brine. You can also use canning salt if you have it but kosher is simple to find and common in our pantries.
  • Pickling spice: You can find this in the spice aisle or the canning section of your grocery store. It adds all the extra oomph to the pickles.
  • Fresh garlic: Gives the pickles their garlicky bite.
  • Fresh dill: Adds lot of dill flavor and that traditional pickle flavor.
Homemade pickles are super simple to make with just a few ingredients. These taste just like the favorite Claussen's.

How to Make Homemade Pickles

The pickles only took a few days to process so that makes them all the better. They are super sour, a bit salty and really crunchy. They are the perfect little snack or accompaniment to a sandwich.

Let’s break down how to make them.

First start by washing your pickles. Decide on what type of pickle you want to make. Leave them whole, slice them into spears or cut into coins. Anything will work.

Grab a large, 1/2 gallon jar and make sure it’s clean as well. If you don’t have that large of a jar, you can use smaller ones. You’ll just have to divide your ingredients more than stated in the recipe.

Stir together the cold water, apple cider vinegar, pickling spice and kosher salt. Keep stirring until the salt is dissolved. This is your brine.

Add the garlic and dill to the bottom of your jar then layer in the cucumbers. Pour the brine until they are completely covered.

Place the lid lightly on the jar and place them in a cool, dark place for 3 to 4 days. Give them a taste. If you’re happy with the flavor, seal the jar and refrigerate them for up to 6 months.

Homemade pickles are super simple to make with just a few ingredients. These taste just like the favorite Claussen's.

If you want more of a pickle flavor let them sit in the dark another day or two before refrigerating.

I see many jars in our future. 

More Store-Bought to Homemade Favorites:

Homemade pickles are super simple to make with just a few ingredients. These taste just like the favorite Claussen's.
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Homemade Pickles

Homemade pickles are super simple to make with just a few ingredients. These taste just like the favorite Claussen's.
Prep Time20 minutes
Pickling Time4 days
Total Time4 days 20 minutes
Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: homemade pickles
Yield: 4 servings
Author: Meg’s Everyday Indulgence


  • 20 small to medium sized cucumbers
  • 8 cups cold water
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/3 cup kosher salt
  • 1 Tbsp. pickling spice
  • 4 large cloves of garlic, peeled
  • 4 sprigs fresh dill


  • Wash the cucumbers. If they are super small, you can leave them as is. If they are larger, slice them into coins or cut them into spears. Whichever you prefer.
  • In a large bowl, stir together the cold water, apple cider vinegar, salt and pickling spice. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Set aside.
  • In a half gallon jar, add the garlic, fresh dill. Add cucumbers. Pour the liquid over the cucumbers until they are covered. Make sure they are completely covered or they may start to mold or form a fuzz on the surface. Cover the jar lightly with the lid (don't seal) and place in a cool dark place. Let sit for 3 to 4 days.
  • Test one cucumber to see if you are happy with the flavor level. If they aren't pickley enough, leave them for another day. Once you are happy, transfer them to the refrigerator. Store in the fridge for up to 6 months.

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Homemade Pickles

Homemade Pickles


  1. Can I add sliced onions to this recipe?

  2. Hello,

    When you say seal the jar does that mean sealing using a water bath canning or just putting the lid on?



    1. Hi Rob! You just need to put the lid on. I’ll clarify in the recipe as I see how that isn’t clear. Thanks!!

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