Strawberry Lemon Sorbet

Strawberry Lemon Sorbet
If you are looking for a light, refreshing alternative to ice cream this month I have the recipe for you. When I say light, I don’t necessarily mean healthy, it does have 2 cups of sugar (or more)…it’s just not heavy and custardy like a traditional ice cream.
Strawberry Lemon Sorbet
I love strawberry lemonade so when I was making ice cream for a gathering recently I thought it would be a nice combination. I looked around and found this recipe which uses a whole lemon. I had never heard of using a whole lemon in a recipe until I made Whole Lemon Blueberry Walnut Muffins and I was amazed by the lemon flavor it imparted in the muffins. 

For the sorbet though, I think the rind may have made the sorbet just a touch bitter so when I make this again I will add more sugar to balance it out. My strawberries may not have been sweet enough too. I’m not really sure which it was but it just needed a bit more sweetness for me.

I think maybe 1/4-1/2 cup more sugar would have done it for me. If you like a really tart lemonade, then it’s probably just perfect the way it’s written.
Strawberry Lemon Sorbet
It was a gorgeous color and really refreshing in the heat. Definitely a delicious treat to cool off with this summer!

Strawberry Lemon Sorbet
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  1. 1 lemon, seeded and roughly chopped
  2. 2 cups sugar (or more if your strawberries aren't very sweet or you don't like it super tart)
  3. 2 pounds strawberries, hulled
  4. Juice of 1 to 2 lemons
  1. Place the chopped lemon and sugar in a food processor, and pulse until combined. Transfer to a bowl.
  2. Puree the strawberries in a food processor, and add to the lemon mixture, along with the juice of 1 lemon. Taste and add more juice as desired. The lemon flavor should be intense but should not overpower the strawberries. Pour the mixture into an ice cream machine and churn until frozen.
Meg's Everyday Indulgence


  1. looks very refreshing! So good for hot summer!

  2. I just love a great Sorbet especially in the hot summer. Your Strawberry Lemon Sorbet looks so refreshing and delicious! Hope you are having a great week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  3. […] another creamy, dreamy dessert that has the perfect pucker. A perfect make ahead dessert would be Strawberry Lemon Sorbet. It’s bright, zingy and very light. Can’t ask for much more after gorging yourself on […]

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